What is RSD ?
Neurodiversity Dr. Aretha Steele Neurodiversity Dr. Aretha Steele

What is RSD ?

Do you often feel like even the smallest criticism cuts deeply and stays with you for days? Have you ever skipped out on chances because you're scared of being rejected or failing? Do you find yourself constantly worrying that any small disagreement in your relationships might lead to being rejected or left alone? In this blog, we discuss Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) and how to cope with it

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How Long Should a Social Media Break Last?
Dr. Aretha Steele Dr. Aretha Steele

How Long Should a Social Media Break Last?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by social media and wondering how long a break should be? Taking a break from social media can be a great way to reset and improve your mental well-being, but finding the right duration can be tricky. This blog explores different options for social media breaks, from short daily pauses to longer detox periods, and helps you decide what might work best for you. Discover the signs that you might need a break and learn how to choose a duration that suits your needs, so you can reconnect with yourself and enjoy a healthier balance.

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Perfectionism and Anxiety: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Anxiety, Perfectionism Dr. Aretha Steele Anxiety, Perfectionism Dr. Aretha Steele

Perfectionism and Anxiety: Two Sides of the Same Coin

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the need to be perfect? Perfectionism and anxiety often go hand in hand. While striving for excellence can be motivating and lead to success, perfectionism can push you too far. Read this blog from a mental health therapist to understand the link between perfectionism and anxiety, help you recognize the signs, and share effective coping strategies. Join us on this journey to better mental health and a happier you!

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